Free useful content for your website

Would visitors to your website like to save money?
These price trackers can help them monitor the cost of heating oil in the UK and provide free useful content for your website.

Just select the type of box you want to display and choose the background style.

We will keep it up to date with the latest info.

Choose the type of gadget:

Average Price Chart for 900 litres Average Price Chart for 900 litres Average Price in pence per litre Average Price for 900 litres

and customise the color for your website:

Copy and paste this code into your website to keep your visitors informed:

All our quotes for heating oil are sourced independently and without commission.
Prices are calculated from quotes for payment by cash or debit card and include VAT.
The image generated remains the property of Cheapest Oil Ltd.
We reserve the right to update and/or block a website from accessing this content without explanation.

This code is provided on an as-is basis without warranty of any kind.
Cheapest Oil Ltd specifically disclaims any other warranty, express or implied, including any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall Cheapest Oil Ltd be liable for any consequential, indirect, special or incidental damages, even if Cheapest Oil Ltd has been advised by client of the possibility of such potential loss or damage. User agrees to hold provider harmless from and against any and all claims, losses, liabilities and expenses.