Contact Cheapest Oil

Common Queries

Q. How much is 300 litres? How much is 1000 litres?

Unfortunately, we only survey the price for 500 and 900 litres of heating oil and wouldn't have any quotes for any other quantities.

Q. Why are some heating oil prices quoted so old and not being updated?

Oil suppliers can log into our website and update prices themselves free of charge. If their price hasn’t changed, they do not need to “update” it. Sometimes the price of heating oil doesn’t fluctuate which makes some of the prices listed look very old. However, we remove or update prices that are incorrect so often these prices will be correct – they just haven’t changed in a while.

If you believe a price is incorrect, you can report it and we will investigate but just because a last updated date is old does not mean the price listed is incorrect.

Q. Where is my heating oil order?

We just compare the prices and have no idea if you order heating oil or not. For this information, we recommend contacting your chosen supplier.

Q. Why does the price of heating oil not go down when the price of crude oil goes down?

We have looked at this in the past and found that it is important to take into account exchange rates as crude oil is priced in dollars. We once created a stock market/heating oil comparison chart which can be seen in our stock market comparison though it hasn’t been updated recently.

If this does not answer your query, you can contact Cheapest Oil using the form or email address below.

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Supplying your name and email address is completely optional though please note that we can not reply to you if you do not fill these in.

Please do not ask us to recommend a supplier.

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